Check out our latest episode at Nerdy Bitches Podcast! Liz and Heather are celebrating (LATE!) Liz’s birthday month of September by not releasing an episode until October. Oops! Life has been happening for both of us (a lot!) so we are doing what we can and stretching things into GUTEWINTER!!
For the first episode of our Steve Guttenberg love fest, we are joined by none other than Steve and Izzy from Everything I Learned From Movies! They helped kick off this GUTE affair with Zeus & Roxanne with Liz and The Man Who Wasn’t There with both the ladies. We are diving into the original Police Academy movie with all it’s 80s glory. Check out the short-shorts and the out-of-place boobs because EIGHTIES!!! We had a blast talking about this classic, so make sure you check it out. And if it’s been a decade or three since you watched the movie, definitely check it out on HBO Max!